How we collaborate with our design team

At ToolTime we have (at the time of writing this post) a team of 20 Software Engineers and 3 Product Designers. Smooth collaboration is always a challenge when a team consists of more than, ehm, 1 person 😀. And more problems can become prominent when the collaboration is cross-functional. Product Designers…

Hello Tech Time, Goodbye Tech Debt

At ToolTime, like in every engineering organisation, we have a lot to do: build new features, scale existing ones, tidy existing code, improve architectures, fix bugs, update tools, research new solutions, imagine the future, et cetera, et cetera… With this many responsibilities, and the backlog endlessly full of new potential…

Hiring at ToolTime

Idea When I joined ToolTime, heavily influenced by a book called 5 dysfunctions of a team [], and my previous experience I was convinced that the things I will be optimising for is how people in a team work, rather…